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Rust – Overview of Player, Admin & Server Console Commands

© Facepunch Studios

The PvP survival game Rust offers matching console commands to the open game world and the survival elements, which give you as an admin the power over the server. As in many other games, you can use various commands to influence time, kick or ban players, or stop the server.

To use the console commands or cheats in Rust, you have to activate the console with the “F1” key and enter the corresponding command. For this, it must be generally enabled on the server or be your own. In the following overview we list the player, server and developer commands in tabular form.

The Rust player commands at a glance

Cheat codeServer default valueDescription
ban “player name” “reasonBan the player from the server.
banid Ban the player via Steam ID
banlistShows the already banned players in the chat
banlistexDisplays the already banned players and the reason in the chat
chat.saySends a chat message via chat
find Lists available console commands
kick reasonKicks the player from the server (optional with reason)
kickallKicks all players from Rust server
killTriggers the suicide
listid Shows the already banned players via Steam ID in chat
moderatorid Gives players server moderation rights (level 1)
ownerid Gives players server admin rights (level 2)
playersDisplays the players who are currently online
removemoderator Removes player’s server moderation rights (level 1)
removeowner Removes player’s ownership rights (level 2)
respawnForces your respawn
respawn_sleepingbagForces your respawn in the sleeping bag
statusDisplays the players who are connected to the server
unban Unbanned a player via Steam ID
usersDisplays the player info of the players

Overview of Rust Server commands

Cheat codeServer default valueDescription
chat.serverlog“true”If the value is set to “true”, the console chat is logged
echo “text”Copies the text from the server console
env.timeSet the value of the time to the specified time value
event.runActivates an airdrop by command, which is dropped from random direction over the map
find Lists the commands and displays the one entered
say “MessageSends a chat message to all players on the server
server.globalchat“true”If the value is set to “true”, a chat message will be sent to all players
server.stopThe server is stopped
server.saveThe server is saved
server.saveinternal “value“60”Sets the time cycle of automatic server storage
server.secure“true”If the value is set to true, EAC-banned or registered players will not be able to join the server
server.seed “value“123456”Sets the server seed to the specified value
server.stability“true”If the value is set to “true”, server stability is enabled
server.tickrate “30”Sets the server tick rate to the specified value
server.writecfgSaves changes that were made to the .cfg file and the commands
quitSaves the current server progress and exits the game
initThe command loads the config files

Rust developer commands

Cheat codeServer default valueDescription
gc.collectReclaims unused server memory and removes assets
perfDisplays the performance data
physics_iterations “number7Defines the iteration number of rigid player bodies
physics_stepsDisplays the number of steps per second
queueDisplays the stability and environment queues
reportCreates a report of all created items in the server root directory
texturesDisplays the already loaded textures

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