In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet you’ll go on an adventure through the Paldea region to become the best Pokémon trainer. As a new feature, an academy was introduced in addition to two different professors, depending on the edition. Here you can participate in classes and master exams. In this guide, we’ll show you the correct answers to the questions on the midterm and final exams.
The Academy courses teach you the basics: Learning makes you smart
In Pokémon Scarlet you can visit the Orange Academy, in Pokémon Violet it’s the Grape Academy. There you can participate in different courses and master exams. As a reward for successfully completing midterm and final exams, you will receive EXP items. If you successfully pass an intermediate exam, you will receive five EXP items S. If you successfully pass a final exam, you will receive five EXP items M. The taught content will be asked in the exams, so you should read the text carefully. In each lesson, the teacher also asks you a question and you can choose an answer from several options. To save you the reading task, we show you all the correct answers of the exams below.

Biology lesson: The correct answers of the exams
Biology midterm exam answers:
Question no. | Reply |
1 | ZR button |
2 | 2 |
3 | Walking around |
4 | Giving them a berry |
5 | Gym Badges |
Biology final exam answers:
Question no. | Reply |
1 | 2 |
2 | false |
3 | false |
4 | 1 in 4,000 |
5 | false |

Math lessons: The correct answers of the exams
Math midterm exam answers:
Question no. | Reply |
1 | Double damage |
2 | half damage |
3 | 11 |
4 | about 4% |
5 | One-and-a-half times as much |
Math final exam answers:
Question no. | Reply |
1 | 5 |
2 | 75 |
3 | about 12% |
4 | Damage is tripled |
5 | Multiplier is 2 |

History lessons: the correct answers of the exams
History midterm answers:
Question no. | Reply |
1 | The Great Crater of Paldea |
2 | a treasure |
3 | about 2000 years ago |
4 | 805 years |
5 | Knowledge |
History final exam answers:
Question no. | Reply |
1 | Area Zero |
2 | 805 years |
3 | a folding fan |
4 | Health |
5 | 10 years ago |

Language course: The correct answers of the exams
The answers of the language course midterm exam:
Question no. | Reply |
1 | Thank you |
2 | Delicious |
3 | time to eat |
4 | compliment them |
5 | Salvatore |
The answers of the language course final exam:
Question no. | Reply |
1 | Delicious |
2 | I love you |
3 | Anger |
4 | Happiness |
5 | Salvatore |

Combat course: The correct answers of the exams
The answers of the Combat Course Intermediate Exam:
Question no. | Reply |
1 | Special attacks |
2 | the move’s name |
3 | 4 |
4 | terastallizing and attacking |
5 | Fighting |
The answers of the combat course final exam:
Question no. | Reply |
1 | Go all out! |
2 | Auto Battles |
3 | Exchange materials |
4 | Level 50 |
5 | true |

Art lessons: The correct answers of the exams
Art midterm answers:
Question no. | Reply |
1 | Tera Jewel |
2 | Grass |
3 | Hexagon |
4 | Medali |
5 | Answer option does not matter |
Art final exam answers:
Question no. | Reply |
1 | the Treasure Eatery |
2 | Surrendering Sunflora |
3 | 2 |
4 | Levincia |
5 | false |

Home economics lessons: the correct answers of the exams
Home Economics Midterm Exam Answers:
Question no. | Reply |
1 | Increasing speed |
2 | Fillings and condiments |
3 | Oran Berry |
4 | true |
5 | false |
Home Economics Final Exam Answers:
Question no. | Reply |
1 | Sparkling Power |
2 | It helps hatch strong Pokémon |
3 | make food with others |
4 | PokémonWash |
5 | no |

If you want to see the mastering of the final exams in moving pictures, you can easily watch all the exams including the correct answers in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet in the following video.
Need more help with the adventure role-playing game? Here you can find an overview of some of our guides: