Developer Game Freak has also added exclusive Pokémon to the latest installment of the video game series. Besides the legendary cover Pokémon and some other pocket monsters, you can also get a very special Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. We are talking about the Fire Pokémon Charcadet and its evolutions Armarouge and Crimanzo. In this guide we will show you where you can find and train the strong Pokémon.

How to get Charcadetin Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
The first evolutionary stage of the Fire Pokémon is Knarbon. You have to catch this one to be able to get one of the two evolutions. You can meet the fierce pocket monster in the open game world and catch it with a Pokéball. It appears slightly less often than other Pokémon, but often enough to be found. On the following graphic you can see where its general habitat is in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

We have also marked two places on the map below where we found Charcadetparticularly quickly.

How to get Armarouge in Pokémon Violet
You can only get the Fire / Ghost Armarouge exclusively in Pokémon Violet. With the help of a special item it can be developed from Charcadet. This item is called the Malicious Armor. To get this, you need to visit the place Zapicico. Once there, go to the fountain in the city. In front of it is a woman, which you can address. She offers you the Malicious Armor in exchange for ten Sinistea.
You can get the Sinistea from the Pokémon named Sinistea . You will find this southwest of the Palgea region. South of the town of Asarilla, where you can also find the Psychic, there is a large meadow. There you can meet the Pokémon and engage it in a fight. You can recognize it easily: it is a floating purple cup. Once you have defeated the pocket monster enough times and collected the shards, travel back to the lady and exchange them for the armor. Now you just have to give the Malicious Armor to your Charcadet (not to wear) and it evolves into Azugladis.

How to get Ceruledge Pokémon Scarlet
Another evolution of Charcadetis the Fire / Ghost Ceruledge, which you can get exclusively in Pokémon Scarlet. Also go to the town of Zapicico. There you will meet a man who will give you the Auspicious Armor in exchange for ten Bronzor-Fragments. With the help of this armor you can develop Charcadet into Ceruledge.
You can get the Bronzor-Fragments from the Pokémon named Bronzor. You can find this in some places of Palgea, but mostly near ruins. There you can meet the Pokémon and engage it in a fight. Once you have defeated the pocket monster enough times and collected the shards, travel back to the man and exchange them for the armor. Now you just have to give the Auspicious Armor to your Charcadet (not to wear) and it evolves into Ceruledge.

The two Pokémon should be of great help to you in your battles. They are not only rare, but also quite strong and have a good combination of type. In our type overview you can see which Pokémon they are especially strong against or which weaknesses they have.
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